Appstar download

Most people looking for Appstar downloaded:

AppStar Download
3.4 on 99 votes

AppStar is the business analytic solution you need to easily analyze and boost your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch app sales.

Programs for query  ″appstar download″

@AppStore Download

Now you can follow the official Mac App Store tweet right from your Mac OS X Dashboard.

SimpleMind Download
5.0 on 80 votes

SimpleMind is an easy-to-use Mind Mapping tool that turns your Mac into a brainstorming, idea collection and thought structuring device.

MacAppStuff Notes Download

A place for you to store, well, notes. Nothing fancy, no frills, just paste your information into the editor and that's it.

MacAppStuff Encrypt Download

Secure your data from prying eyes! MacAppStuff Encrypt will encrypt (and decrypt) files of any type.

MacAppStuff Spoof MAC Download
5.0 on 1 vote

This application is designed to change the MAC address under OS X Snow Leopard.

Appster Download
3.7 on 50 votes

Quickly generate a top N list of your favorite Mac apps for publication on your website, inclusion in your blog, or whatever you want to do with it.

...with it. Appster finds all...

Grim Receiper Download
4.2 on 5 votes

Grim Receiper is a program that helps you to keep your original receipts in safe place (locally, of course) during you are using

AppStudio Download

AppStudio is a complete, easy-to-use development environment which creates apps for iPhone and Android devices.

App Stop Download
3.9 on 8 votes

App Stop is a program that allows you to take control over the applications running on your computer, increasing the speed of your computer.

AppsToMac Download

Apps To Mac provide a fast way to recover Apps from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to your iTunes library on your Mac or PC.
