Sentence generator

Most people looking for Sentence generator downloaded:

TreknoBabble Download

TreknoBabble is a free REALBasic implementation of the famous Random Treknobabble Generator that can be found online ...

Programs for query ″sentence generator″

IcnsCreator Download
3.8 on 95 votes

This application can help you generate icns file and icon file icon file (windows) ...

...and can generate the folder will generate icns the sentence will generate icon...

Lyttony Download
5.0 on 38 votes

Endless creative story openers are now at your fingertips with Lyttony, a rather novel opening-sentence-generator for your Macintosh.

...novel opening-sentence-generator for your...

LittleIpsum Download
5.0 on 90 votes

The best Latin text generator for OS X. Incredibly quick and lightweight. And it’s completely free!

...tags • Generates words, sentences or paragraphs ...latin text generators.” — Trent Walton...

Vrew Download
5.0 on 2 votes

VREW is a video editing application, powered by AI technology.

...VREW automatically generates captions by ...result into sentences. Also, it...

Jibber Download

Jibber is a powerful text generator for your Mac. The application allows you to generate words, sentences, and paragraphs.

...a powerful text generator for your to generate words, sentences, and...

MacLorem Download

acLorem generates random filler text for artists, graphic designers, typesetters and others who need to generate ...

...button marked Generate will create ...exclamatory (!) sentences. You can generates should...

bitext2tmx Download

bitext2tmx is a program to align and segment corresponding translated sentences, contained in two plain text files ...

...corresponding translated sentences, contained in ...files, and generate a translation memory...

Yoda Widget Download

The Yoda Widget simply lets you enter a sentence into a text box.

...the generated text ...uses: Sentences containing verbs ...well. Sentences containing subjects...

Ask Fortuna Download

"Ask Fortuna" is an intriguing new fortune-generator for your Macintosh. fortune-generator for ...completely random sentences of ...zen-like generated sayings: *...

Blurb Tally Download
4.1 on 24 votes

Blurb Tally is a writer's utility, designed to help you to quickly and easily calculate the number of characters, words, and paragraphs in a blurb of text.

...uses include: - Generating text for ...uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, and...