Shapefile explorer free

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Shapefile Explorer Download
4.0 on 56 votes

Shapefile Explorer is a simple utility that lets you explore a shape file (.

Programs for query  ″shapefile explorer free″

AEJEE Download

ArcExplorer Java Edition for Education (AEJEE) Download | Blog

...| BlogFree Desktop GIS ...for exploring geographic ...and symbolize shapefiles, integrate a...

uDig Download
5.0 on 29 votes

uDig is an open source (LGPL) desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology.

...and editing shapefiles(shp, dbf ...files like Shapefiles, or loaded...

GeoMap Download

The geoMap library allows you to draw customised maps in Processing from any shapefile representing geospatial data.

...from any shapefile representing geospatial Shapefiles are...

GMapCreator Download

The GMapCreator is an application designed to make thematic mapping using Google Maps simpler.

...application takes a shapefile containing geographic...

Thuban Download

Thuban is an Interactive Geographic Data Viewer with the following features:

...Data Support: Shapefile, PostGIS Layer...

TYEarthPro Download

TYEarthPro is an application that lets you read ESRI Shapefile or spatial data from the data sheet editor. ESRI Shapefile or spatial...
