Super beam

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SuperBeam Download
1.0 on 1 vote

SuperBeam is a small app that allows you to share large files.

Programs for query  ″super beam″

Beamer Download
3.5 on 4 votes

Beamer streams to your Apple TV.... Plays any movie file - Just like the popular desktop movie players ...

...Screen Mirroring, Beamer is specifically ...Easy Subtitles - Beamer automatically detects...

SwitchResX Download
4.0 on 43 votes

Why hassling with Apple's inbuilt screen settings, when there is so much more to get and much easier, too?

...the usual beamer resolution when...

JPEGmini Download
4.7 on 3 votes

With JPEGmini for Mac you can reduce the file size of your photos by up to 80%, while keeping their original quality and JPEG format.

PDF to Keynote Download
5.0 on 2 votes

PDF to Keynote converts PDF-based presentations (e.g., made using LaTeX with Prosper, Beamer or foiltex) into Apple's Keynote format.

...with Prosper, Beamer or foiltex...

Smart Home Download
5.0 on 8 votes

Smart Home lets you control any single-board computer, like an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi, BeagleBoard, PandaBoard, or similar.

...system Blinds Beamer screen Lights...

MacLux Pro Download

MacLux Pro is a complete lighting design program for Macintosh computers.

...shows their beams but actually...

Z88Aurora Download

Z88Aurora is divided in three different areas: FE-Preprocessor,

...elements, (f.e. trusses, beams, etc.) one...

MusicTime Deluxe Download
4.1 on 71 votes

MusicTime Deluxe is the easiest way to make music with your computer using your soundcard or MIDI instrument.

...Cross-staff beaming extends beams across...

Martians Vs Robots Download

Who could have believed it? The Earthlings invented a race of robots and wiped themselves out!

...! - Homing Missiles, Beam weapons, EMPs...

WISO eür + kasse: 2013 Download

Jetzt endlich für den Mac! Mit WISO eür + kasse: 2013 erledigen Sie Ihre Einnahmen-Überschuss-Rechnung für die Ges ...
