Download bible verses screensaver

Most people looking for Bible verses screensaver downloaded:

Bible Verse Desktop Download
3.9 on 310 votes

Every time when you start up your computer, this program writes the verse from the Bible on the desktop wallpaper.

Programs for query  ″download bible verses screensaver″

Encouraging Bible Verse Screensaver Download
3.3 on 3 votes

Encouraging Bible Verse Screensaver is a free application for your desktop.

Encouraging Bible Verse Screensaver is ...encouraging bible verses. Bring ...Download now...

The Bible Scenes Screen Saver Download
3.8 on 4 votes

Enjoy a sense of peacefulness as you watch these bible scenes rotate on your desktop. these bible scenes rotate ...contains inspirational bible verses. System requirements...

CC.Votd Download

CC.Votd is a screensaver that displays a verse of the day or a random verse from a RSS source.

...complete C# .NET screensaver (fullscreen, multi ...settings). Bible verses provided from...

America's Parks And Scriptures Screen Saver Download
5.0 on 1 vote

This screensaver has 24 pictures of sunsets, sunrises, animals, flowers, mountains ...

This screensaver has 24 ...King James Bible. Shareware version...

e-Sword Bible Screen Saver Download
4.5 on 4 votes

Turn your computer into a witnessing opportunity with the e-Sword Screen Saver.

...your memory verses, or just ...a VerseList and Bible translation of...

Our Lord's Creation Screen Saver Download

This screen saver has 36 pictures of sunsets, animals, flowers, mountains and views from the Great Smoky Mts.

...King James Bible. Shareware version...

Sunsets With Scriptures Screen Saver Download

This screen saver contains 20 spectacular photos of sunsets from various National and State Parks (Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mts.

...King James Bible. Shareware version...

Assorted Scenes And Scriptures Download
4.1 on 63 votes

The Assorted Scenes And Scriptures Screen Saver 1.0 contains 20 sunsets, animals ...

...King James Bible. Shareware ...included. Bible Believers Fellowship ...created screensavers with...

Bible Verses And Photos Spectacular Download
5.0 on 3 votes

This spectacular screen saver contains 84 pictures of sunsets, animals, flowers, mountains ...

...King James Bible. Password protection...

Bible Star Pro Download
4.5 on 4 votes

Our Promise This software will always be free. You will always be able to download, copy the CD and give it away. to download, copy ...? Over 80 Bibles, thousands of...

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