Download winamp nullsoft inc

Most people looking for Winamp nullsoft inc downloaded:

Winamp Download
4.2 on 6393 votes

Winamp is an advanced audio and video player, which was released in 1997.

WinAmp Bot Download
5.0 on 2 votes

Control your Winamp with this cute little IRC bot. It connects to a irc server and sits on an channel of your wish.

Programs for query  ″download winamp nullsoft inc″

Nullsoft Tray Control Icon Pack Download
3.0 on 2 votes

Nullsoft Tray Control Icon Pack is a tray control plugin for Winamp that brings new features.

Nullsoft Tray Control ...plugin for Winamp that brings...

SFX Tool Download
5.0 on 2 votes

Graphical user interface and script generator for the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System.

...System. Nullsoft Scriptable Install ...Nullsoft. Nullsoft was created to distribute Winamp...

winamp remote control suite Download

The winamp remote control suite allows one to do just what the title promises.

...machine running Nullsoft's winamp connected to ...all of winamp's functionality remotely...

Skinamp Download
3.7 on 7 votes

SkinAmp is a program, which allows you to generate automatically a skin for Nullsoft Winamp.

...a skin for Nullsoft Winamp. The source ...or as a winamp-skin-zip...

Realizer for Winamp Download

Arboretum Realizer is a free real-time MP3 music enhancement plug-in for Winamp. for Winamp.It makes ...are using Nullsoft's Winamp to listen...

Mp3Extractor Download
3.0 on 2 votes

Mp3Extractor is a tool for copying several portions from an MP3 audio file into new (numbered and tagged) MP3 files.

...sets) through Nullsoft Winamp and with...

NSVRecorder Download
3.6 on 82 votes

NSVRecorder is the easiest way to record Nullsoft Winamp streaming Video or Audio content. record Nullsoft Winamp streaming Video...

Winamp Bluetooth Control Download
4.3 on 20 votes

Winamp Bluetooth Control - Control your Winamp with Bluetooth

...your Winamp with BluetoothWinamp Bluetooth ...for controlling Winamp with a mobile...

SideAmp Download

SideAmp is a software plug in for Nullsoft's WinAmp media player and Microsoft's Zune. for Nullsoft's WinAmp media player...

DSP Spectrum Tool for Winamp Download
2.3 on 3 votes

DSP Spectrum Tool for Winamp is the only calibrated high-precision 32-bit accuracy real-time professional sonogram/spectrum analyzer for Winamp.

...Tool for Winamp is ...analyzer for Winamp. An usual ...designed for Winamp uses pre ...from Winamp.