Myanmar typing tutor

Most people looking for Myanmar typing tutor downloaded:

Rapid Typing Download
3.7 on 860 votes

RapidTyping is a keyboard trainer that can help you improve your typing speed and reduce typing errors.

Myanmar3 Download
3.4 on 305 votes

Myanmar3 is a new Unicode 5.1 font that is used in Myanmar3 Office and it is released by Myanmar Unicode and NLP ...

KTBs' Myanmar Typing Tutor Download
3.4 on 290 votes

Typing Tutor is a highly customizable typing program for computer beginners or students.

KP Typing Tutor Download
3.5 on 189 votes

KP Typing Tutor will assist you to learn to type through fine-tuned courses and free-style practices.

Ayar Myanmar Unicode Keyboard with Fonts Download
3.7 on 129 votes

Ayar IME is special build for Ayar Unicode based on KeyMagic Project.

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