

Download now from developer's website

License: Shareware $19.95
Latest version:2.9.3413
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There was a download of RegRecall 2.9.3413 on the developer's website when we last checked. We cannot confirm if there is a free download of this software available. The actual developer of the program is RegRecall. We cannot guarantee that the program is safe to download as it will be downloaded from the developer's website. Before launching the program, check it with any free antivirus software. The program is categorized as System Utilities.

From the developer:

RegRECALL scans your entire registry for invalid entries and then quickly and safely repairs any issues that it finds. Once RegRECALL repairs the items, your computer’s performance may be brought back to speed and your computer registry problems disappear. Be sure to use the startup manager that comes built in with the application to remove unneeeded startup items as well.

You may want to check out more software, such as wDog or Application Paths 2000, which might be similar to RegRecall.


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