FaceMorpher Multi lets you create face morphing animations smoothly and fast.
The program is extremely easy-to use and produces high-quality results. Unlike many other programs, FaceMorpher Multi doesn’t require you to do much job manually, for example to indicate dots or lines, nor does it offer you several modes depending on your proficiency level. You just load pictures of as many people as you wish, draw a rectangle around their faces when needed and rotate a picture to change the slant of a face when desired.
FaceMorpher Multi analyzes the loaded photos and automatically recognizes basic parts of a human face like the head, eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth and places dots on them. In most cases you don’t need to adjust the position of the dots but you can do it when needed. The title of the software implies that it is primarily intended for creating a transition between human faces that is why you can’t add any more dots. But as soon as people are concerned, the provided number of dots is enough for a smooth transition.
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