Now You're Cooking!

Now You're Cooking!

Mar 13, 2025
4.6 on 9 votes
Home & HobbyCooking
Loginetics, Inc.
Shareware $25
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Operating system:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
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Now You’re Cooking! is a time-saving program letting you plan meals fast and easily, almost automatically.

The program comes with a cookbook containing several delicious recipes. You are welcome to add more recipes as well as to create multiple cookbooks. All recipes are sorted into categories, such as appetizers, salads, soups etc, helping you find a desired recipe quickly. It is convenient that ingredients can be measured in US or SI units depending on what is more familiar to you – cups or liters.

When creating meal plans, you can specify dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks selecting from the recipes in your cookbook as well as adding individual items. Saving a menu places ingredients of the selected dishes and individual items on your shopping list automatically, either appending them to the previous shopping list or replacing it. The program allows you to obtain the cost of a shopping list across different stores.

With Now You’re Cooking! you can view nutrition information for 6210 items contained in its nutrition database. The program makes a nutrition analysis possible not only for a separate ingredient, but also for a recipe or even a group of recipes. Special nutrition values such as ECC or WW Pts should be useful for those who stick to related diets.

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