Air display 2.0

Most people looking for Air display 2.0 downloaded:

Air Display Download
5.0 on 2 votes

Air Display Client is the client component which lets you use a spare Mac

Programs for query  ″air display 2.0″

q-air Download

Q-Air is a complex app that provides you multiple options for generating a QR code.

Q-Air is a complex ...main window Q-Air displays a four tabs ...required by Q-Air for generating...

Air Display Host Download
4.0 on 98 votes

Air Display Host is the host component which lets you position your iPad next to your computer ...

...will need Air Display Client ...or the Air Display client for iDevice. Air Display makes a...

VMware Fusion Download
4.3 on 41 votes

VMware Fusion 8 and Fusion 8 Pro--the latest versions of its virtualization software for running Windows on a Mac ...

...Retina 5K Display and 12 ...on a 5K display, with USB ...VMware vCloud Air, IPv6 support...

AirGrab WiFi Radar Download
3.0 on 1 vote

AirGrab WiFi Radar is a tool to display information about Apple Airport base stations and other WiFi (802.

...a tool to display information about...

Air Printer Lite - Print to Any Printer Download
3.7 on 3 votes

Air Printer can turn your Mac into an virtual printer. You can run Air Printer on your Macbook or iMac to share its ... Air Printer enables ...Anywhere. Air Printer can ...too. Air Printer displays many...

AirDoc Sender Download

Air Doc is the ultimate solution for transferring documents, movies, songs, etc to your iPad/iPhone.

...Numbers)Use Air Doc to ...AirPlay.The Air Doc Viewer ...) - send and display a screenshot to...

DJUCED Download
4.2 on 40 votes

With Djuced the user can mix audio and video files. Supported DJ gear:

...- DJ Control AIR - DJ Control now displayed in...

Yam Air Desk Download

Yam Air Desk turns your Mac into a wireless second display for your another Mac.

Yam Air Desk turns ...a wireless second display for your ...mirror the display of your...

AirSlidesX Download
3.4 on 9 votes

AirSlidesX converts a Mac to a wireless projector, it receives slides and videos from iPad and displays them on big screen.

...iPad and displays them on...

Battery Stats for AirPods Download
3.9 on 9 votes

Battery Stats for AirPods displays the battery charge percentage for the left and the right AirPods that are connected to your Mac via Bluetooth.

...for AirPods displays the battery...