Measure calculator

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Measure Download

Measure is a unit-savvy calculator combined with a 3,400-item database of real-world numbers.

Programs for query ″measure calculator″

Room EQ Wizard Download
4.7 on 3 votes

REW is free room acoustics analysis software for measuring and analysing room and loudspeaker responses.

...responses; measuring distortion ...calculating reverberation times; calculating Thiele...

Auto Time Adjuster Download

Compensating for plug-in latency in Pro Tools LE and M-Powered is currently a manual task, due to its lack of in-built delay compensation or 'ADC'.

...automates the measurement, calculation and setting...

Carnoy Download

Carnoy is an easy-to-use image analysis program developed to help scientists carry out measurements on digital images ...

...and have measurements calculated on micrographs ...image Annotate measurements Perform simple...

Maths Practice Exam Creator - Year 10 Download

Eureka's Practice Exam Creator will help to test and reinforce the lessons taught in class.

...Drawing - Calculating Rates - Calculating Quantities ...Quartiles - Measures of Spread...

RoomEQWizard Download
4.0 on 1 vote

REW is a Java application for measuring room acoustics and analysing room and loudspeaker responses.

...parameter calculation from impedance measurements - Impulse...

SoftMax Pro Download
5.0 on 1 vote

SoftMax® Pro Data Acquisition & Analysis Software serves as the user interface to the popular EMax®, VMax™, Gemini™, and SpectraMax® Microplate Readers.

...for absorbance measurements and automatic ...pre-defined calculations, SoftMax Pro...

Drilling Hydraulics Download

The Drilling Hydraulics provides the driller, tool pushers, drilling engineers, chemists ...

...hydraulics calculations, optimization ...Hydrostatic calculations (Bottom ...and Measured Depth)...

LabChart Reader Download
4.0 on 68 votes

LabChart Reader for Mac is a free application program that allows you, your colleagues and students to view and conduct limited analysis of LabChart data files.

...filters and calculations to recorded ...LabChart calculation and cyclic measurement functions...

RF Toolbox Download
4.1 on 67 votes

RF Toolbox is an antenna design and electronics/electrical tool package. It takes you step by step through the design of the following types of antennas: calculated from the measured impedance...

Frink Download
3.4 on 99 votes

Frink is a practical calculating tool and programming language designed to make physical calculations simple and to ensure that answers come out right.

...units of measure (feet, meters ...) through all calculations, allowing you...

counter counter