Bangla dictionary for computer

Most people looking for Bangla dictionary for computer downloaded:

Shoshi English to Bangla Dictionary Download
3.6 on 166 votes

Shoshi English to Bangla Dictionary is a complete dictionary software with all the current words.

Programs for query ″bangla dictionary for computer″

BanglaDictionary Download
3.3 on 133 votes

It is a Bengali to Bengali, Bengali to English, English to Bengali Dictionary. Bengali Dictionary. Search TextBox ...English to Bangla Dictionary lets you...

Akshar Naveen Download
3.6 on 17 votes

Artech India released the new version of its multilingual marvel, Akshar Naveen 3.

...font convertor, dictionary, database creation ...English, Hindi, Bangla, Punjabi, Gujarati...

EasyLearnBangla Download
3.3 on 24 votes

EasyLearnBangla can be used to learn Bengali/Bangla language.

...learn Bengali/Bangla language. This ...Bangla. It also contains a talking dictionary...

shuddhoshabdo Download
4.0 on 5 votes

A add-in for Bangla spell checking for Microsoft word. This Spellchecker is the most powerful and unique in its genre. for Bangla spell checking ...with its dictionary of 1,06...

Bangla DM Download
1.0 on 1 vote

Bangla Word writer :familiarize yourself with a complete list of Bangla characters.

Bangla Word writer ...list of Bangla characters. A mouse ...built-in dictionary to communicate...
