Bible verse desktop for windows 10

Most people looking for Bible verse desktop for windows 10 downloaded:

Bible Verse Desktop Download
3.9 on 309 votes

Every time when you start up your computer, this program writes the verse from the Bible on the desktop wallpaper.

Programs for query ″bible verse desktop for windows 10″

The Bible Scenes Screen Saver Download
3.8 on 4 votes

Enjoy a sense of peacefulness as you watch these bible scenes rotate on your desktop. verses. System requirements : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows...

WORDsearch Thompson Chain-Reference Bible Library Download
4.1 on 7 votes

WORDsearch makes your Bible study time more productive the very first time you use it.

...your Bible study time ...of subjects - 10 Bibles 48 Reference ...reference any verse or...

QuickVerse Download
3.9 on 71 votes

QuickVerse software simplifies Biblical research, allowing the user to view multiple reference materials ...

...including Bibles, dictionaries ...word or Bible verse and find ...includes 10 Bibles and...

InHisVerse Bible Dictionary Download
4.5 on 2 votes

Dig Deep into the Bible's Hebrew and Greek with InHisVerse Bible: it's the single tool you need to study the Bible like a translator.

...Berean Study Bible. Having ...parallel verses, dictionaries ...For Windows 7, 8, 10; 2...

Telugu Bible (Unicode) for theWord Download
3.6 on 59 votes

This Telugu Bible module for theWord Bible Software is completely free of cost.

...for theWord Bible Software is ...give - Matthew 10:8". Let every ...copy the verse or notes...

Tamil Bible Download
4.0 on 58 votes

This Tamil Bible module for theWord Bible Software is completely free of cost.

...for theWord Bible Software is ...give - Matthew 10:8". Let every ...copy the verse or notes...

iPod Agent Download

iGadget has replaced iPod Agent. iGadget is a brand new program by Purple Ghost Software ...

...e-books, recipes, bible verses, anything -Create ...9 out of 10 Powerful and...

SwordScript Download
5.0 on 1 vote

SwordScript is a free Scripture memory program designed to help you memorize God's Word and remember it.

...independent verse ...10 ...Bible versions - Multiple Bible languages - KJV Bible...