Download chess informant

Most people looking for Chess informant downloaded:

Chess Informant Expert Download
5.0 on 3 votes

Chess Informant Expert is a software tool fully compatible with all the previous versions of Chess Informant Reader ...

Fritz11 Download
4.0 on 42 votes

Fritz makes it easy for you to play against other human beings, at any time, day or night.

Playing Chess-7 Download
4.2 on 5 votes

"Playing Chess-7" shows move by move a chess game and after end automatically load next game etc.

ChessGenius Classic Download
4.0 on 6 votes

A World Championship chess playing program. Packed with features for experts and beginners.

Chess by SkillGamesBoard Download
4.1 on 81 votes

Checkmate your rivals by wisely placing your pieces throughout the chessboard to siege your opponent's king.

Programs for query ″download chess informant″

Scid vs PC Download
4.2 on 9 votes

Shane's Chess Information Database is a huge chess toolkit with extensive database, analysis and chess-playing features.

...Chess Information Database is a huge chess toolkit ...analysis and chess-playing features...

Personal Chess Trainer Download
4.6 on 20 votes

PCT is a chess training software, developed by GM Gilberto Milos, based on memorization of key concepts and positions ...

PCT is a chess training software ...indicated for chess players who...

SolidChess Download

Technical information: Implemented in C# 4/.NET 4. Platform used: Visual Studio 2010.

Technical information: Implemented in C# ...Programming features: Chess board implemented...

ChessDB Download

ChessDB is a free chess database which can be used on Microsoft Windows, Linux, Apple Macs running OS X ... a free chess database which ...all your chess information, helping you...

Full Tilt Chess Download

Full Tilt Chess is a free online multiplayer chess game of strategy that is fast paced and unique in many ways.

...Chess is a free online multiplayer chess chess opponents .../Statistical information are... Toolbar Download Toolbar is the perfect browser tool for all the chess players all around the world.

...all the chess players ...With Toolbar ...links to chess videos and information's.

Chess Tournaments Download
4.9 on 43 votes

This is a chess program to help you to organize any chess tournaments without using real chessboard and chess clock.

...organize any chess tournaments ...program and download it. This ...part to inform you about...

SwissManager Download
3.8 on 142 votes

The program Swiss-Manager is an administration- and pairing program for chess-tournaments (round robin ...

...input. - Information, lists ...and international chess events. chess-tournament...

Tom's Live Chess Game Viewer Download
2.3 on 4 votes

Tom's Live Chess Viewer is a utility for watching live computer vs computer chess tourneys being broadcast on the internet.

Tom's Live Chess Viewer is ...vs computer chess tourneys ...utility provides information on who...

ChessSchoolmaster Demo (s) Download

ChessSchoolmaster Demo School Edition is free of charge. It has a limited number of examples, excercises, games, puzzles and tests from the full version.

...perform teaching chess in schools ...and chess clubs ...of absorbing information and of...
