Magic bullet looks 2.5

Most people looking for Magic bullet looks 2.5 downloaded:

Magic Bullet Looks Download
3.7 on 59 votes

Magic Bullet Looks is a program that works with your favorite editor to transform the look of your footage in seconds.

Programs for query  ″magic bullet looks 2.5″

Magic Bullet Mojo Download
4.5 on 4 votes

Magic Bullet Mojo is a plug-in that warms up highlights and cools off shadows in video footage.

Magic Bullet Mojo is a ...that's how Magic Bullet Mojo was...

Magic Bullet LUT Buddy 32-bit Download
4.0 on 7 votes

Magic Bullet LUT Buddy was designed for the professional colorist, and bridges the gap from desktop applications to high end systems and hardware boxes.

Magic Bullet LUT Buddy ...for the Magic Bullet products. Use...

Magic Bullet LUT Buddy 64-bit Download
3.5 on 38 votes

We feel some essential things should be free in order to move the essential forward.

...essential forward. Magic Bullet LUT Buddy ...for our Magic Bullet products. Use...

Magic Bullet Suite Download
4.5 on 10 votes

Magic Bullet Suite is a set of seven tools that bring real time color correction for video editing.

Magic Bullet Suite is a ...your videos. Magic Bullet lets you...

Magic Bullet Quick Looks (for MAGIX) Download
2.3 on 3 votes

Magic Bullet Quick Looks is toolkit that brings professional tools to filmmakers everywhere.

Magic Bullet Quick Looks ...filmmakers everywhere. Magic Bullet Quick Looks...

Magic Bullet Colorista Free Download
4.5 on 10 votes

Magic Bullet Colorista Free is a simplified, elegant color corrector that anyone can share and use.

Magic Bullet Colorista Free...

Magic Bullet PhotoLooks Download
4.4 on 13 votes

Whether you’re warming up a portrait or adding cool practical lighting, Magic Bullet PhotoLooks 2 will change the way you approach color in photography.

...practical lighting, Magic Bullet PhotoLooks 2 will...

Magic Bullet QuickLooks Download
3.5 on 2 votes

Magic Bullet QuickLooks is a program that gives a classic look to your movies.

Magic Bullet QuickLooks is a...

Magic Bullet Colorista Download
4.0 on 2 votes

Colorista II brings the power of high-end color systems to your desktop.

Magic Bullet PhotoLooks for Photoshop 32 bit Download
3.8 on 36 votes

PhotoLooks is a powerful new application that lets you manipulate and experiment with light while preserving essential photographic detail.