Msde for windows 10

Most people looking for Msde for windows 10 downloaded:

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine Download
3.9 on 32 votes

Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine (MSDE, also Microsoft Data Engine or Microsoft Desktop Engine) is a relational database management system .

SQL Server ODBC driver (32/64 bit) Download
4.9 on 78 votes

Devart ODBC Driver for SQL Server provides high-performance and feature-rich connectivity solution for ODBC-based ...

Programs for query  ″msde for windows 10″

SSuite FileWall Database Download

SSuite Office - FileWall is a secure client-server database to archive all your sensitive documents in one place.

...all Windows systems - Windows 95 to Windows 10 ...Database Engine - ( MSDE ) What's New...

SSuite Office FileWall Download
5.0 on 23 votes

SSuite Office - FileWall is a secure client-server database to archive all your sensitive documents in one place.

...all Windows systems - Windows 95 to Windows 10 ...Database Engine - ( MSDE ) What's New...

AzSQL Script Decryptor Download
5.0 on 43 votes

AzSQL Script Decryptor is a powerful SQL object decryptor. It allows you unravel a single encrypted sql object ...

...® Database Engine (MSDE). * Decrypts SQL ...objects. * Supports Windows 10/8/7/Vista/2003...

MSDE Plus Download
4.9 on 83 votes

MSDE Plus is a fully featured tool for Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) and Microsoft SQL Server 7.

MSDE Plus is a ...Data Engine (MSDE) and Microsoft ...environment. Manage MSDE/MS SQL...

MSDE Manager Download
3.4 on 99 votes

This MSDE and SQL Server manager is suitable for Windows 95,98,Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista.

This MSDE and SQL ...suitable for Windows 95,98 ...Features of MSDE and SQL...

MSD Employees Multiuser Download
5.0 on 51 votes

MSD Employees is a complete and easy to use employees information manager for networks.

MSD Employees Download
3.4 on 19 votes

MSD Employees is an employee management software and human resources software, that allows you to catalog the following ...

Microsoft Surface Data Eraser Download
3.6 on 97 votes

Microsoft Surface Data Eraser is a free-to-use tool that boots from a USB stick and allows you to perform a secure wipe ...

DbaMGR Download
4.2 on 95 votes

DbaMGR is an alternative administrative console for Microsoft MSDE 1.

...for Microsoft MSDE 1.0 and MSDE 2000 ...for MS MSDE 1.0 and MSDE 2000...

Import Wizard Download
4.1 on 70 votes

Import Wizard is a program that enables you to easily import text based report files into MS-Access ...

...SQL-Server, MSDE, Oracle, Interbase...