Rubiks cube exe

Most people looking for Rubiks cube exe downloaded:

Rubik's Cube Download
4.0 on 18 votes

This is the classic Rubik's Cube game. In this game there is a cube composed of 27 blocks (9 blocks on each face) ...

Rubix Download
4.0 on 3 votes

rubix is a Rubik's cube system for the Linux/X11 operating system (it may work with other unices, not tried).

Ultimate Magic Cube Download
3.1 on 9 votes

Welcome to the home page of Ultimate Magic Cube (UMC), the computer program that lets you create your own Rubik's cube like puzzles.

Digicube Download
3.9 on 67 votes

Open-source virtual Rubik's cube. Digicube maintains in its memory the cube's position and lets you modify ...

Programs for query  ″rubiks cube exe″

The Cube Doctor Demo Download

-For those who just want to finally solve that cube that's been on their shelf, The Cube Doctor™ provides a fast, economical, fun solution.

...of the Rubiks Cube, The Cube Doctor ...solve the Rubiks Cube, The Cube Doctor...

glSnake Download

glsnake is an imitation of Rubiks' Snake. The snake is made up of 24 triangular prisms (half-cubes) connected on the square faces by a rotational joint.

...imitation of Rubiks' Snake...
