Telescope driver

Most people looking for Telescope driver downloaded:

ASCOM Celestron Telescope Driver Download
3.7 on 3 votes

Installs a driver for telescope control systems that speak the Merlin Controls Astronomy Command Language.

Programs for query  ″telescope driver″

EQMOD EQASCOM Telescope Driver Download
5.0 on 2 votes

EQASCOM is a telescope driver that provides the astronomical 'brains' of the mount control system.

EQASCOM is a telescope driver that provides...

ASCOM AstroPhysics Telescope Driver Download
3.7 on 3 votes

The Astro-Physics V2 driver has been developed for Astro-Physics by Ray Gralak of Sirius Imaging.

...Physics V2 driver has been ...earlier driver, this V2 driver is ...the old driver, we strongly...

ASCOM Temma Telescope Driver Download

Temma mounts have numerous different options that can be configured via the driver.

...via the driver. Highlight...

StellariumScope Download
3.6 on 33 votes

StellariumScope is a FREE add-on to Stellarium (an excellent, free, open-source planetarium program) which enables you to control your telescope.

...your telescope.Features:- Controls a telescope using ...the ASCOM telescope drivers. ...

ASCOM Meade Telescope Driver Download
5.0 on 1 vote

Install a driver for the original Meade LX200 ("classic") telescope mounts (including the 16") ...

...LX200 ("classic") telescope mounts (including ...This driver provides both telescope and...

ScopeDriver Download

ScopeDriver lets you connect your computer to your astronomical telescope.

...your astronomical telescope. A computer-telescope connection your telescope, harnessing...

TheSky ASCOM Plugin Download
1.0 on 1 vote

The TeleAPI plugin provides TheSky X and TheSky 6 with the ability to control telescopes via their ASCOM standard drivers.

...use telescopes not ...Also, some telescopes have ASCOM ...telescope via its ASCOM driver with...

Meade Classic Download
1.0 on 1 vote

Installs a driver for the original Meade LX200 ("classic") telescope mounts (including the 16") ...

...LX200 ("classic") telescope mounts (including ...This driver provides both telescope and...

POTH Download
4.2 on 5 votes

POTH is an incredibly useful tool for both testing and routine observing.

...plain old telescope handset" ( ...driver, useful for ill-behaved driver ...the telescope's...


GPUSBASCOM is a driver for Shoestring Astronomy USB Guide Port Adapter, and is designed to allow personal computers ... a driver for Shoestring ...on many telescope mounts a simple telescope mount that...