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on 70 votes
License: Commercial
Total downloads:234
Latest version:3.3
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Download of Tiler 3.3 for Mac was on the developer's website when we last checked. We cannot confirm if there is a free download of this app available.

Please check the Mac app with an antivirus before launch as it is downloaded from the developer's website, and we cannot ensure that it is safe. The program is included in Design & Photo Tools. The most popular versions of the software are 3.3, 3.1 and 2.3. The actual developer of this Mac application is Mindcad LLC.

From the developer:

Mindcad Tiler can scale and print PDF files on multiple pages to create banners and posters. It will open and print PDF images on multiple sheets of paper. Add or subtract rows and columns using the toolbar icons. The image size will be automatically adjusted. The paper orientation can also be toggled using the toolbar. The image can be automatically sized to either the paper dimensions, or the printable area.

You may want to check out more Mac applications, such as Tilen, Configure Application Dock Tile or Tile it!, which might be related to Tiler.


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