

License: Shareware $12.95
Total downloads:56
Latest version:2.60
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iCleanup 2.60 for Mac is free to download from our application library. The most frequent installer filename for the application is: icleanup.zip. Our antivirus scan shows that this Mac download is virus free.

The following versions: 2.0, 1.2 and 1.0 are the most frequently downloaded ones by the program users. The actual developer of this Mac application is iMacTools. The software belongs to System Tools. The latest installation package that can be downloaded is 2.5 MB in size. This application works fine with Mac OS X 10.5 or later. This program's bundle is identified as com.imactools.iCleanup.

From the developer:

iCleanup helps you remove iTunes duplicate tracks automatically. This app checks unwanted tracks according to various indexes after finding duplicate of tracks, this is really useful to delete tons of duplicate tracks in iTunes.

The tool shows number of duplicates, unwanted tracks and lost dead tracks in different colors visually. Gray color indicates number of duplicates for a track.

You may want to check out more software for Mac, such as iCleanUp Pro, which might be related to iCleanup.


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