Personal Finances Lite lets you manage your finances quite effortlessly. The software is built rather commonly, like most programs of the kind. Users can create various accounts, determine income and expense categories and track their finances. It comes in very handy that users can create accounts in virtually any currency, on condition that these currencies are on the currencies’ list, which users can edit themselves. To add to that, exchange rates can be edited as well.
Personal Finances Lite yields to its competitors in functionality, however. First, it does not allow users to compile transactions according to family members, thus it is not possible to know how much each family member has contributed into the family budget. The unavailability of this function becomes even more vexing each time you see the empty Family Member column in the transactions’ table or the non-functioning icon that corresponds to this option. Why are they present in the current version of the program then? It looks like they were left by mistake when previous versions were updated. The same refers to the Sections option. And second, there is no statistics available in the program, which could be a welcoming improvement.
Except for the facts mentioned above, the program performs reliably, produces a good impression and can be helpful to a wide range of users.
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