Ks editor

Most people looking for Ks editor downloaded:

KS-Editor Download
2.7 on 3 votes

KSeditor is a patch editor/librarian program for the Ensoniq SQ series of synths.

KS-Gantt Control Download

Extend your application with project-management capabilities with just a few lines of code.

Programs for query ″ks editor″

Text Editor KS Download
4.0 on 68 votes

The text editor with the ability to change its own skin (also the library). With many skin options.

..."Txt Editor KS" (you ..."Text Editor KS" version FREE ...option: "edition history"...

PPSS Florida 24karat Edition Download

PPSS 24karat allows for the scanning of drivers license to input pawners' information in the New-Pawn Screen.

...FL, IA, KS, LA, MD ...the Diamond edition which includes...

Easy Database Constructor KS Download
4.2 on 15 votes

Simple and amazing process of creating databases like a child's play, but with professional results.

..."history of editing". This option...

Reminder plus Actions KS Download

The program can display messages on the screen and speak them.

...with "Automation KS" or an ...of "Automation KS" (its clone ...plus Actions KS", one secretary...

Automation KS Download
4.9 on 55 votes

Load the saved file and start executing commands (after a time of your choice). The program can make an unlimited number of copies of itself (instances).

...program "Automation KS" or an ...KS" with "Reminder plus actions KS...

KS.CRM Download
3.7 on 88 votes

KS.CRM Core Framework is a modular Customer-Relationship-Management System, completely written in C#/DotNet for the Microsoft SQL-Server.

KS.CRM Core ...Sets (MARS). KS.CRM is...

Matrix-ks Download
4.5 on 6 votes

- Includes automatic support for 1-5 (and more) monitor configurations! You don't have to do anything, it will recognize your other monitors automatically.

Backup Maker KS Download
4.1 on 35 votes

'Backup Maker KS' makes chronological records of projects. A project can even be a single file placed in a folder!

'Backup Maker KS' makes chronological ...'Backup Maker KS'. Just double...

KS Calendar Download
5.0 on 1 vote

King Stairs Calendar is a simple applet that just displays a calendar and lets you move back and forth.

Reminder KS Download
4.2 on 29 votes

The program can display messages on the screen and speak them.

...Through "Reminder KS", one secretary ...of Reminder, KS can serve...
