Quran arabic in word

Most people looking for Quran arabic in word downloaded:

Quran in Ms Word Download
3.8 on 860 votes

This program will add new menu "Al-Quran" on your Microsoft Word application.

Desktop Quran Download
3.8 on 80 votes

Listen to the Holy Quran whenever you want with the help of this free software.

Programs for query ″quran arabic in word″

QuranReciter Download
4.4 on 38 votes

QuranReciter 4.1 (Freeware) - Features Complete Quran Recitation of Sa'd Al-Ghamdi

...) - Features Complete Quran Recitation of ...Arabic text in Uthmani font Word...

Holy Quran Malayalam English Translation Download
3.3 on 23 votes

"Holy Quran Malayalam English Translation V1.0" is the first Quran Software in India.

...Translations of Quran, Complete Arabic Text ...based on Words, Subjects and...

ListMemoriser Download
3.5 on 4 votes

ListMemoriser is for assisting in memorizing Quran and Quran sura names.

...starting words of each ...up to 6 words) and complete ...Quran : This is available in Arabic...

Quran With Tafseer Download
4.3 on 48 votes

Quran with Tafseer 1.0 is used to read and learn the Holy Quran in Arabic, Urdu and English languages with five ...

...Holy Quran in Arabic, Urdu ...Urdu/Arabic language ...version: • Arabic text of Quran: *...

Quran Reference Download
3.5 on 13 votes

Quran Reference is a comprehensive Quran guide that allows you to understand the meaning of the Tajweed Rules. It provides features such as:

Quran Reference is a comprehensive Quran guide ...entire Quran and translations using Arabic...

The Noble Quran Download
4.2 on 31 votes

This volume contains an account of the some of the most important expeditions and delegations that occurred ...

...in their Arabic version...

eQuran Download
4.7 on 3 votes

eQuran provides the whole Quran and a collection of several books of el Hadeeth in one compact package.

...the whole Quran and a ...of the Quran. Different commentary ...available in Arabic, plus several...

Bilal Prayer Download
4.5 on 44 votes

Bilal Prayer is a comprehensive Islamic encyclopedia. It can calculate prayers times at 5 millions sites on the Earth.

...Quranic tafseers, Fiqh, and Arabic dictionaries ...the holy Quran in Othmani...

WinQT2 Download

WinQT2 includes the Arabic Quran, as well as its English, Farsi, Indonesian and Swedish translations.

...includes the Arabic Quran, as well...

SmartNet Pocket Islam Download

Arabic Holy Quran with tashkil, English translation and recitation.

Arabic Holy Quran with tashkil ...Hadith in Arabic, Prayer table...