Quran in ms word 1.3 download

Most people looking for Quran in ms word 1.3 downloaded:

Quran in Ms Word Download
3.8 on 868 votes

This program will add new menu "Al-Quran" on your Microsoft Word application.

Programs for query ″quran in ms word 1.3 download″

Plug AlQuran for Ms Word Download
4.0 on 43 votes

This program will add new menu "Al-Quran" on your microsoft word application.

...Quran" on your microsoft word application ...quran or translation to your word...

Open Quran Download
2.7 on 9 votes

Most Quran Software are consisting of a Quran version and some translations, which users can't choose or change.

...Quran Software are consisting of a Quran ...in the Quran, also ...built using MS, C# programing...