Shortcut remover pc antivirus free

Most people looking for Shortcut remover pc antivirus free downloaded:

Free Shortcut Remover Download
3.5 on 55 votes

Free Shortcut Remover is a handy tool designed to find and remove all broken shortcuts on your computer.

Shortcut Virus Remover Download
3.6 on 1923 votes

The application uses Windows commands to delete the virus which creates shortcuts.

Anti-Shortcut Virus Ultimate Download
3.5 on 33 votes

Anti-Shortcut Virus Ultimate is a free real time antivirus.

Shortcut Doctor Download
5.0 on 2 votes

How many Windows program & file shortcuts are on your computer? 100? 200? 500? And how many are "ill" because you moved ...

Autorun Virus Remover Download
4.0 on 210 votes

Does your antivirus can't remove the autorun& autorun.inf virus in your system or USB storage device completely? Or even they can't detect the virus?

Programs for query  ″shortcut remover pc antivirus free″

ShortcutAntivirus Download
3.7 on 13 votes

Shortcut Antivirus is a free of charge software for protecting against vulnerability in Windows Shell that incorrectly parses shortcuts (LNK files).

...remove infected files. The infected shortcuts ...Shortcut Antivirus is simple and free for...

MASS Music Player Download
4.0 on 2 votes

Mass Player is a portable music player. It has a very sleek looks and is made to run various music formats like mp3, wav, aiff and au.

...Add and Remove files & ...- Keyboard shortcuts. - Play ...modes. - Antivirus Approved.
