Software led resistor calculator

Most people looking for Software led resistor calculator downloaded:

LED Resistor Calculator Download
4.0 on 1 vote

LED Resistor Calculator is a simple application written in Visual C++ Expression that can calculate a resistor's value and its power consumption.

Programs for query ″software led resistor calculator″

Resistor Calculator Download
3.2 on 13 votes

Determine the color code of a resistor and calculate resistors for LED circuits.

...LED circuits. By using this resistor calculator...

Lucid Electronics Workbench Download
4.2 on 5 votes

Calculate LED Load Resistor Values: Calculate the value of a load resistor for a Light Emitting Diode (LED) based on supply voltage and LED characteristics.

Calculate LED Load Resistor Values: Calculate the value...

ResCalc Master Download
4.3 on 4 votes

ResCalc Master is a resistor calculator outfitted with various tools, meant to aid in work related to resistors.

...Master is a resistor calculator outfitted with ...parallel and LED calculator.

SoftCollection LED Line Download
4.1 on 7 votes

SoftCollection LED Line program lets you make a virtual LED table in the air.

...a virtual LED table in ...of an 8 LEDs line, 9 ...and desired LEDs will ...When LED line moves...

CircuitMod Download
4.5 on 11 votes

Circuitmod is an open source circuit simulator that extends the capacity of the original Falstad's Java Circuit ...

...Chips, Led Arrays, Led Matrix and ...CMOS Chips, LED Matrix, PIC...

Lalim Parallel Port Control Download
3.8 on 6 votes

Lalim Parallel Port Control can control hardware through the parallel port (printer port) and can also control a remote PC parallel port through a network.

...connect a LED with 1 kohm resistor direct ...what a 1k resistor is, then...

Microcontroller Programmer Download
1.5 on 2 votes

The Flash MC Programmer I is a fast parallel port programmer for AT89C1051, AT89C2051 and AT89C4051 microcontrollers.

...diodes, one LED, one sub...

Model Railroader Download
5.0 on 3 votes

The Model Railroad System is a software package that can help you run your railroad. a software package that ...railroad. It's a software to create ...resistors for LEDs and/or...