Vu meter XP

Most people looking for Vu meter XP downloaded:

Windows VU Meter Download
2.9 on 22 votes

Windows VU Meter is a standalone application that mimics an old stereo's VU or audio level meters.

Programs for query  ″vu meter XP″

Andrea Electronics AudioCommander Download
3.9 on 37 votes

AudioCommander is an audio user interface for Andrea USB devices.

...full bandwidth VU meters for...

Orban Loudness Meter Download
4.8 on 4 votes

The Orban Loudness Meter receives a stereo signal from any Windows sound device and measures its loudness and level.

...Orban Loudness Meter receives a ...instantaneous peaks, VU, PPM ...Loudness Meter includes...

PSP VintageMeter Download
4.6 on 7 votes

PSP VintageMeter provides professional VU and PPM metering for mono and stereo tracks.

...provides professional VU and PPM...

Wide Range Peak Meter Download
3.1 on 9 votes

Wide Range Peak Meter combines an accurate level meter with custom graphic background.

...accurate level meter with ...background. This meter features a ...similar to a VU meter but at...

Blue Labelle JukeBoX Download
5.0 on 1 vote

Plays multimedia files sequentially (mp3, mp2, mid, kar, wav, avi, mov, au, mod, xm, s3m, it, fli, flc.

...Configurable mini vu-meter. Associates lyrics...

Tom's MP3 Player Download
4.3 on 4 votes

Tom's MP3 Player is a simple, basic player that's very easy to use, but provides all the features your need to organize ...

...runs on XP and Vista ...display - Realistic VU meters - Easy...

DJ Studio Download
3.3 on 11 votes

DJ Studio for .NET is a native .NET component that makes it easy adding sound playback and mixing capabilities to applications written with Visual Studio.

...feedbacks like VU-Meter, Spectrum Analyser...

Vengeance Producer Suite - Scope Download
4.3 on 4 votes

Vengeance Producer Suite - Scope is a free analyser plug-in with scope, screctral and stereo field analyse capabilities.

...- supports different VU metering modes...

Traverso Download
1.3 on 3 votes

Traverso is a multi-track recording tool with disc burning support. sound VU meters as...

Active DJ Studio Download
3.5 on 101 votes

Active DJ Studio is an ActiveX control adds audio/video playback and mixing capabilities to multimedia applications.

...visual feedbacks (VU-Meter, Oscilloscope, Spectrum ...displaying of Vu-Meters, Spectrum...

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