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License: Shareware $9.99
Total downloads:16
Latest version:1.2
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DirkDashing 1.2 for Mac was free to download from our software library. The program lies within Games, more precisely Puzzle. The actual developer of this Mac application is My Game Company. This Mac download was checked by our built-in antivirus and was rated as safe.

From the developer:

As agent Dirk Dashing, you have been assigned to recover the seven largest diamonds in the world, which were stolen by international jewel thief, Pique Pockette. Pique's trail takes you to the Bavarian Alps of southern Germany, where you must battle enemy agents who are also searching for the diamonds, avoid traps and icy hazards, and solve baffling puzzles in order to save the day!

You may want to check out more software for Mac, such as kiki, Go-Go Gourmet or The Tarot's Misfortune, which might be related to DirkDashing.


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