Clean apps

Most people looking for Clean apps downloaded:

App Cleaner & Uninstaller Download
3.9 on 61 votes

App Cleaner & Uninstaller is a free program to uninstall apps on macOS completely and safely.

Programs for query  ″clean apps″

Dr.Cleaner - Clean Disk & Optimize Memory Download
4.4 on 13 votes

This app helps you optimize your memory, clean your disk, and monitor your system to keep your Mac optimized for its best performance.

This app helps you ...your memory, clean your disk...

PhoneClean Download
3.0 on 2 votes

PhoneClean is uniquely designed to reclaim more free space on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and make all iOS devices running faster.

...order to clean up and ...always play Apps with smoothness ...for basic cleaning function, and...

BatChmod Download
4.0 on 1 vote

Change permissions without the Terminal BatChmod is a utility for manipulating file and folder privileges in Mac OS X.

...your Trash clean Ah ...of a nice clean Trashcan on...

Memory Clean Download
4.0 on 7 votes

Memory Clean is a tool for optimizing your Mac's memory and is best used after you have finished using a memory (RAM) intensive program or game.

Memory Clean is a tool ...experience, Memory Clean stands head...

Disk Drill Download
3.6 on 15 votes

Disk Drill is not only about Mac data recovery. It's also packed with useful disk tools for all data professionals and home users. more apps to clean up...

iBoostUp Download
4.8 on 12 votes

Don't settle for a slow, sluggish Mac. With iBoostUp you can achieve maximum speed and performance in just a few clicks.

...with multiple apps, surfing ...more! Quick Clean Reclaim disk ...whether any app (even...

Rowmote Helper Download
4.9 on 7 votes

On one side, Rowmote is just like your Mac’s remote control but over the wireless network.

...tapping the Apps button, you the clean and powerful...

Drive Genius 3 Download
3.7 on 11 votes

Try Drive Genius 3, the best Mac hard drive utility on the Mac platform – Speed up ...

...– Speed up, clean up and...

gfxCardStatus Download
4.5 on 6 votes

gfxCardStatus is a free menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your MacBook Pro is using at any given time.

...Features: - Simple, clean "i" and "n" icons...

CleanApp Download
4.1 on 14 votes

CleanApp provides you with insights how to reclaim disk space.

...This app has been ...Any app you install ...The app relies on ...The app is also...