Download antares mic mod

Most people looking for Antares mic mod downloaded:

Mic Mod EFX VST Download
3.9 on 63 votes

Mic Mod EFX is a modern incarnation of Antares' legendary Microphone Modeler plug-in.

AVOX4 Download
3.0 on 1 vote

The AVOX 4 Antares Vocal Toolkit combines 11 state-of-the-art vocal processing plug-ins to give you the power you need ...

Antares MicMod EFX AAX 32-bit Download
4.0 on 6 votes

Mic Mod EFX is the microphone-modeling tool that makes the microphones you own sound like the microphones you wish you owned.

Programs for query ″download antares mic mod″

Mic Mod EFX RTAS Download
4.2 on 11 votes

If you've ever wished for an extensive collection of exotic mics (but shuddered at the cost), then Mic Mod EFX is the plug-in for you.

...of exotic mics (but shuddered ...cost), then Mic Mod EFX is ...Simply tell Mic Mod EFX what...
