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- Power and sample size program
Power and sample size program
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Programs for query ″power and sample size program″
StudySize is a user friendly program for sample size and power calculations when planning a study, clinical trial, survey, or experiment.
...friendly program for sample size and power calculations...
Traditionally, data collected in a research study is submitted to a significance test to assess the viability of the null hypothesis.
...larger the sample size, and/or ...power analysis, the larger the sample size...
Quanto, a program to calculate sample size, is available through this website.
...a program to calculate sample size, is ...This program computes sample size or power for...
OpenEpi provides statistics for counts and measurements in descriptive and analytic studies ...
...analysis, sample size and power calculations, random...
ClinTools is a product suite that contains the following elements:
...a priori power analysis; effect size conversions ...and without sample size corrections ...
The Duo is a complete USB audio solution for your PC computer.
...to 96kHz sampling frequencies, coupled ...utilizes the power and ...half-rack size unit...
iMacsoft DVD to BlackBerry Converter is a professional DVD to BlackBerry converter designed just for Windows users ...
...customize file size, split output ...bit rate, sample rate, resolution...
BATTERY is a powerful drum sampler designed that combines a supercharged library ...
...a powerful drum sampler designed that...
Acclaimed for its power, stability, and exceptional workflow, Sound Forge is the best way to get from raw audio to a finished master.
...for its power, stability, and ...audio, produce samples and music...
Kingsoft PowerWord has been on the market for more than 15 years and become the world's best-selling Chinese and English two way translation software.
...practical phrases, sample sentences and...