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- Signature creator.exe
Signature creator.exe
Most people looking for Signature creator.exe downloaded:
Signature Creator allows you build your own email signatures with a logo, formatted text, hyperlinks and an handwritten signature above it in few seconds.
The MakeitOne MP3 Album Maker allows you to pack/join your MP3 files in a single file - whilst still allowing full playability, tag editing and unpacking.
Digital Signature Verifier will verify the authenticity of exported JPG and AVI images to ensure that they have not been tampered with or edited in any way.
Programs for query ″signature creator.exe″
XLS Padlock gives you hassle-free and effective Microsoft Excel workbook copy-protection.
...signature to your spreadsheet EXE ...files before distribution - create...
Convert powerpoint to a standalone executable. Convert ppt and pptx to a single exe with music.
...to a single exe with music ...unique machine signature restrictions for ...machine signature.
Create backups or archives of all your Outlook (2000/2002/2003) data to virtually any storage media using on-the-fly compression.
Create backups ...self-executable EXE file, this ...Options Settings, signatures and stationary...
Code signing just got easier! Tech-Pro CodeSign is a graphical shell for the Microsoft command line code signing tools.
...types including exe, dll ...in the signature. Set ...partner. * Create test certificates...
SISContents is a tool that allows you to unpack, edit and sign Symbian 9 SIS packages (Nokia S60 3rd, 5th Edition and Sony Ericsson UIQ 3.
...certificates and signatures); - view ...(i.e. exe, dll, ldd, etc.); - create SIS...
This tool from ElmueSoft works on a folder (and its subfolders) on your disk:
...and folders. - create a list as ...the MD5 signature of all ...of all EXE and DLL...
The SigPlus.exe (SigPlus ®) program installs the OCX control in the WIN\SigPlus directory, together with the SigPlus.
The SigPlus.exe (SigPlus ®) program...
Convert Excel to exe - xls to exe - xlsx to exe.It is not necessary to have Microsoft Office and Excel installed to view the converted executable.
...exe - xls to exe - xlsx to exe ...unique machine signature restrictions for ...of the exe. It...
Convert PDF to standalone exe - Convert PDF to exe. It is not necessary to have Adobe Acrobat installed to view the generated slideshows
...to standalone exe - Convert ...PDF to exe. It ...unique machine signature restrictions for...
CS Anti-Virus is a wrapper of the ClamAV (v.0.96) open source antivirus engine.
...SigTool (CSAVSigtool.exe) for ...defined virus signature, the CS ...Control (CSTrayAV.exe) for...