Svg file explorer

Most people looking for Svg file explorer downloaded:

SVG Explorer Extension Download
3.4 on 17 votes

SVG Explorer Extension is a small and very simple extension that enables Windows Explorer to render SVG thumbnails ...

Programs for query  ″svg file explorer″

Pack Crystal XP Download
4.1 on 53 votes

BricoPack Crystal XP is a free pack which makes it possible to modify the system files of Windows XP in order to give it a new appearance fun and variegated.

...icons Crystal SVG of ...of Windows (explorer, internet, control ...icons of explorer toolbar (...

Ssrc SVG Plugin Download
1.5 on 2 votes

Ssrc SVG is a free plugin for rendering SVG and XUL in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

...for rendering SVG and XUL ...Microsoft Internet Explorer. The plugin play SVG documents...

Axialis IconWorkshop Download
4.5 on 44 votes

Icon creation is now advanced. Apply the leading standard to build, retrieve, switch, and administer icons for Windows, MacOS, and toolbars.

...PNG, PSD, SVG, J2000, BMP ...GIF) and SVG vectors. Create ...(ICL) files. A file explorer aids in...

docPointer Visual ReadMe Download
3.9 on 52 votes

docPointer visualizes links to documents and Web sites using graphical visual ReadMe files.

...Firefox or Explorer (Flash & SVG). docPointer...

Hidden Data Detector Download
3.0 on 2 votes

Hidden Data Detector is a free tool that was designed to find and identify hidden data & metadata in files.

...PNG, and SVG image files...

MetadataFox Download
3.3 on 36 votes

MetadataFox™ is a powerful tool to explore files by their metadata.

...tool to explore files by ...JPEG 2000, SVG, AVI, MP3...

ContextView Pro Download
1.0 on 2 votes

Convenient and powerful graphics and multimedia "add-on" for Windows Explorer that saves time and increases ...

..." for Windows Explorer that saves a desired file, and you ...SHP, SMP, SVG, TIFF, TGA...

Sure Cuts A Lot Download
3.6 on 24 votes

Sure Cuts A Lot lets you cut shapes using your electronic cutting machine.

...and Cricut Explore. You can ...such as SVG, PDF, EPS...

Cricut Design Space Download
2.6 on 94 votes

Cricut Design Space is a free plugin that enables you to upload your images using system fonts.

...your Cricut Explore machine. You ...and cut SVG, JPG, PNG...

vsd2svg Download

vsd2svg is a simple converter tool that converts Visio VSD files into SVG.

...files into SVG. To use ...the Windows Explorer context menu ...on a *.vsd file). If you SVG.