Open office org base download

Most people looking for Open office org base downloaded: Base Download

BASE is a fully featured desktop database management system, designed to meet the needs of a broad array of users, from

Programs for query  ″open office org base download″

DEVONthink Download
3.4 on 31 votes

Information overload — Swamped by paper, emails, notes? Meet DEVONthink — designed to manage and organize all those dis ..., Microsoft Office,, Apple...

APCUPSD Download
3.5 on 100 votes

Apcupsd can be used for power management and controlling most of APC’s UPS models.

...and BackUPS-Office. During a power...

OOo4Kids Download
4.9 on 60 votes

OOo4kids is a complete office suite based on the project especially designed for kids between 7-12 years.

...a complete office suite based project Education Project...

OOoLight Download

OOoLight tries to provide a light office software for senior and beginner, based on OpenOffice.

...a light office software for Project Education Project... Impress Download
4.4 on 8 votes

IMPRESS is a truly outstanding tool for creating effective multimedia presentations.

...standard for office documents. This...