Csv to vcard converter

Most people looking for Csv to vcard converter downloaded:

CSV to vCard Download
3.8 on 4 votes

CSV to vCard is a free program that enables you to convert contact files from a CSV format to vCard files.

Programs for query  ″csv to vcard converter″

CSV To vCard VCF Converter Software Download
3.9 on 11 votes

This software offers a solution to users who want to convert CSV files into VCFs.

...want to convert CSV files into ...simply chooses a CSV file and...

Opal-Convert VCF to CSV to VCF (vCard) Download
4.0 on 1 vote

Opal-Convert VCF to CSV to VCF (vCard) it is a tool designed to convert CSV to vCard ...

...Convert VCF to CSV to VCF (vCard ...to convert CSV to vCard, CSV to multiple vCard, CSV...

vCard VCF To CSV Converter Software Download
3.6 on 5 votes

This software offers a solution to users who want to quickly convert multiple VCFs to CSVs.

...quickly convert multiple VCFs to CSVs ...format the CSV output with ...etc. Output CSV files will...

Cigati CSV to vCard Converter Download
4.9 on 58 votes

Cigati CSV to vCard Converter is the modern-day software with a user-friendly interface.

Cigati CSV to vCard Converter is ...4.0 to convert CSV to vCard. However, if...

DRS VCF to CSV Converter Download
5.0 on 1 vote

VCF to CSV Converter is an advanced utility to convert VCF (vCard) contact files to CSV file format for easy access.

...convert VCF (vCard) contact files to CSV ...smoothly convert vCard files to CSV, PDF...

Sysinfo CSV to vCard Converter Download
3.8 on 61 votes

With the help of Sysinfo CSV to vCard Converter, one can convert Excel CSV files to VCF File format.

...CSV to vCard Converter can convert limited CSV files...

DRS CSV to vCard Converter Download
5.0 on 2 votes

DRS CSV to vCard Converter is the best software that can help users to convert Excel CSV files to VCF File format.

DRS CSV to vCard Converter is ...to convert CSV contacts to latest vCard...

4n6 CSV to vCard Converter Download

4n6 CSV to vCard Converter is the most reliable, accurate and secure application for Windows users.

4n6 CSV to vCard Converter is ...before converting to vCard format. CSV to vCard converter...

MigrateEmails CSV to vCard Converter Download

MigrateEmails CSV to vCard Converter is the most trustworthy and quick solution for exporting CSV files to VCF or PDF format.

MigrateEmails CSV to vCard Converter is ...This CSV to vCard Exporter maintains...

vCard Converter Wizard Download

The BitRecover vCard Converter is one of the best converters to convert several VCF files into twelve common file ...

The BitRecover vCard Converter is one ...as PST, CSV, MSG ...to convert multiple vCard contact...

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