Microsoft visual basic.exe

Most people looking for Microsoft visual basic.exe downloaded:

Microsoft Visual Basic Download
3.7 on 1208 votes

Visual Studio is extensible by nature, ultimately consisting of a core "shell" that implements all commands ...

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Download
2.9 on 30 votes

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET V.7.1 is Microsoft’s multi-faceted development tool, targeting both Windows and Web applications.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Download
3.8 on 380 votes

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional is the essential tool for individuals performing basic development tasks.

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express - ESN Download
3.4 on 33 votes

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express is a very good programming tool.

Microsoft Visual Basic Power Packs Download
3.9 on 17 votes

Power Packs are free Add-Ins, Controls, Components, and Tools for you to use with Visual Basic to make developing great applications even easier.

Programs for query ″microsoft visual basic.exe″

Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime SP6 Download
5.0 on 1 vote

VBRun60sp6.exe is a self-extracting executable file that installs the latest versions of the Microsoft Visual Basic ...

VBRun60sp6.exe is a ...of the Microsoft Visual Basic run ...created with Visual Basic 6.0...

Visual SQL-Designer Download
3.0 on 38 votes

Visual SQL-Designer is a program for easy visual constructing hard SQL-query for any database and write it.

...Visual Basic 6.0 RunTime Library Microsoft ADO ...Library (MDAC_TYPE.EXE) Microsoft DAO 3...

Visual SQL-Designer Light Download
3.8 on 12 votes

Visual SQL-Designer Light is a program for easy visual constructing hard SQL-query for any database and write it.

...setup: Visual Basic 6.0 RunTime Library Microsoft ADO...

VB Law Workstation Download
3.9 on 59 votes

VB Law Workstation is a powerful coding standards enforcement add-in for Microsoft Visual Basic 6 source code. for Microsoft Visual Basic 6 source code ...Files, Standard EXE Components, Unauthorised...

Code Snippet Editor Download
5.0 on 2 votes

The Snippet Editor allows for easy management and creation of code snippets for Visual Studio.

...snippets for Visual Studio ...the MSDN Visual Basic site ...a stand-alone exe suitable for...

The C# PDF Library Download
1.0 on 1 vote

IronPDF - The C# PDF library Iron PDF is a library making it easy for C# Visual Basic developers ...

...PDF is a library ...easy for C# Visual Basic developers to ...use of exes. IronPDF...

EXECryptor Download
5.0 on 84 votes

EXECryptor is a software protection system for protect programs from reverse engineering, analysis, modifications and cracking.

...only EXE-files ...C++Builder, Microsoft Visual C++, LCC, PellesC, Visual Basic, PowerBASIC...

GTA3 Admin Console Download
4.0 on 65 votes

Compatible with GTA3 v1.0 and v1.1 This setup includes the VB-Runtimes from Microsoft and has a setup program to install the console.

...Runtimes from Microsoft and has ...already the visual basic runtimes on ...use the exe only link...

Silverlight Inspector Download
5.0 on 1 vote

Silverlight Inspector is a utility for inspecting Silverlight XAP files.

...Sllauncher.exe with ...AGHikariLauncher contains a basic UI for ...and a visual tree inspector...

Beltcomp Download
3.7 on 9 votes

Beltcomp Excel is a powerful computer software package introduced to enable materials handling design engineers ...

...versatile Microsoft Excel ...and classical visual basic programming ...Beltcomp Excel exe file ...
