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- Quran text in word
Quran text in word
Most people looking for Quran text in word downloaded:

This program will add new menu "Al-Quran" on your Microsoft Word application.
Programs for query ″quran text in word″

1) Contains the entire Qur’aanic text in addition to its transliteration and English interpretation
...Qur’aanic text in addition ...to three texts 4) A Qur’ ...where certain words are mentioned...

QuranReciter 4.1 (Freeware) - Features Complete Quran Recitation of Sa'd Al-Ghamdi
...) - Features Complete Quran Recitation of ...text in Uthmani font Word by Word...

"Holy Quran Malayalam English Translation V1.0" is the first Quran Software in India.
...of Quran, Complete Arabic Text, Complete ...based on Words, Subjects and...
Noble Quran Search Software allows either Noble Verses' references or advanced text string search.
Noble Quran Search ...or advanced text string ...verses, text fragments, key words. This...

Quran Explorer allows you to read Quran The Final Testament.
...to read Quran The Final ...to verses. - Word suggestions and ...all text or selected text (with...
A comprehensive software to look for Ayahs and insert them in Word documents using the elegant Hafs calligraphy.
...them in Word documents using ...for selected words in...
This program will add new menu "Al-Quran" on your microsoft word application.
...Quran" on your microsoft word application ...quran or translation to your word...
This program will add new menu "Al-Quran" on your microsoft word application.
...Quran" on your microsoft word application ...quran or translation to your word...

ListMemoriser is for assisting in memorizing Quran and Quran sura names.
...in memorizing Quran and Quran sura ...starting words of each ...up to 6 words) and complete...

eMushaf is a program that provides the whole Quran and a collection of multilanguage translations and interpretations.
...the whole Quran and a collection ...of the Quran, navigate to ...Soura for a word or a complete...