Server tftp windows 7 64 bit

Most people looking for Server tftp windows 7 64 bit downloaded:

Tftpd64 Download
4.0 on 251 votes

Tftpd64 is a free, opensource IPv6 ready application which includes DHCP, TFTP, DNS, SNTP and Syslog servers as well as a TFTP client.

3CDaemon Application Download
3.9 on 79 votes

This 3Com Daemon is a very neat program. It contains a FTP and TFTP server, TFTP client and a Syslog Server.

TFTP Turbo Download
4.2 on 37 votes

TFTP Turbo is a server that supports 200 simultaneous transfers.

Programs for query  ″server tftp windows 7 64 bit″

Tftpd32 Download
3.6 on 78 votes

Tftpd32 is a lightweight, opensource IPv6 ready package featuring a TFTP client, along with DHCP, TFTP, DNS, SNTP, and Syslog servers.

...The TFTP client and server are ...Tftpd64, as a 64-bit program.

XSecurePro64 Download

XSecurePro64 now provides Encryption Security using the SSH standard from PC to host machine.

.../64 or Windows Server 2003 64-bit Edition.The X Window ...NFS, FTP, TFTP and Telnet...