Waves for windows XP 32 bit

Most people looking for Waves for windows XP 32 bit downloaded:

WaveLab Download
4.1 on 199 votes

WaveLab is a professional audio mixing tool with audio restoration and analysis tools.

Nero Wave Editor Download
3.6 on 28 votes

Nero Wave Editor is a program for editing and recording audio files.

SwanDHH Download
3.0 on 1 vote

SWAN is the most widely used computer model to compute irregular waves in coastal environments ...

Programs for query ″waves for windows XP 32 bit″

Digital Wave Player Download
3.2 on 20 votes

This download updates the Digital Wave Player software bundled with Olympus VN-*PC series digital voice recorders.

...running 32-bit editions of the Windows ...(TM) and Windows 7 operating systems...

MP3 Wave Converter Download
4.3 on 4 votes

MP3 Wave Converter is a 32 bit windows program to convert sound file between mp3 file and wave file fast.

...Converter is a 32 bit windows program to ...for Windows 9x/Windows NT and Windows...

WaveLab LE Download
3.7 on 58 votes

WaveLab LE provides an insight into the world of audio mastering and lets you add a more professional, commercial touch to your recordings.

...kHz in 32-bit floating point...

Waves GTR Download
4.3 on 6 votes

Your guitar. Your computer. And GTR Solo. It's all you need to take the lead.

...AMD Athlon XP 3400 - RAM ...GB on XP 2 GB on ...Business 32-bit Vista Ultimate 32-bit ...

WavePad Audio Editing Software Download
3.4 on 31 votes

WavePad is a music and audio editor for Windows. WavePad allows you to create and edit voice, music and other sound recordings.

...editor for Windows. WavePad allows ...24 or 32 bits * Pre-defined ...software for Windows, Mac ...

Analyzer2000 Download

New : Universal PSK/PhiM Demodulator with realtime constellation display

...up to 32:1 + Using inexpensive ...on all Windows 32 Bit platforms

Little SineGen Download

The purpose of this little sine wave generator is to generate a clear sine wave on both channels that will be phase locked.

...and generating 32 bit sine waves. Click ...two sine waves. The left...

discoDSP Corona Demo Download

32 and 64-bit, virtual analog and wave synthesizer for Audio Units, VST hosts featuring 3 VA WAVE oscillators ...

32 and 64-bit, virtual analog...

dRhumba Download
3.0 on 93 votes

dRhumba is a software sample sequencer that is designed to provide functions similar to modern drum machines ...

...44.1 KHz, 32-bit precision High ...files (*) (+) Requires a windows-compatible soundcard...

GAMESS for Microsoft Windows 32-Bit Download
2.0 on 3 votes

GAMESS is a General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System written and maintaned by the Gordon research group a Iowa State University.