Free VLC media player

Most people looking for Free VLC media player downloaded:

VLC media player Download
4.2 on 200 votes

VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well ...



3.9 on 14 votes

The media player that fills all your needs. It can handle DVDs, (S)VCDs, Audio CDs, web streams, TV cards and much more.

Voxal Voice Changer Download
4.6 on 5 votes

Voxal is a state of the are voice changer software to edit voice recordings on a Mac.

Programs for query ″free VLC media player″

VLC Web Plugin Download
1.0 on 1 vote

VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well ...

VLC is a free and ...platform multimedia player and ...protocols. VLC media player requires Mac...

vlc-record Download
1.0 on 1 vote

vlc-record is a tool written in Qt / C++ to record / play streams from using the vlc media player.

vlc-record is ...using the vlc media player. VLC-Record 2.xx ...later. VLC-Record Classic...

VLC Streamer Download
5.0 on 67 votes

VLCStreamer streams audio and video from Videolan's VLC Media Player to your iOS-based device.

...from Videolan's VLC Media Player to your ...for iOS. VLC Streamer for both free and pro...

MyTunesRSS Download
5.0 on 79 votes

MyTunesRSS is your personal media server. Do not pay for storing your music, movies, TV shows and photos in some cloud storage but simply keep it at home. player like VLC, WinAmp, Windows Media Player ...of your media library (e.g., restrict...

Kenbushi Pro Download

Kenbushi® is a powerful Digital Media Jukebox which puts your library of movies, TV shows ...

...channels of free high-quality player selection (VLC, Quicktime) - Store media...

Hachidori Download

Hachidori is a lightweight and fast Hummingbird Scrobbler for OS X.

...popular media players on OS X (MPlayer, VLC...

QVHelper Download
1.0 on 1 vote

QVHelper allows users to stream media files or music playlists from a QNAP NAS to VLC player, providing greater choice for multimedia enjoyment. stream media files or ...NAS to VLC player, providing greater...

ControlAir Download
5.0 on 96 votes

ControlAir provides magical touch free control over media applications on your Mac, such as iTunes, Spotify and others.

...touch free control over media ...QuickTime Player. - Rdio. - Spotify. - VLC. - VOX...

PS3 Media Server Download
4.4 on 5 votes

PS3 Media Server runs on your Mac as an DLNA compliant Upnp media server.

...compliant Upnp media server. You see a media file (e.g with VLC, MEncoder or...

snape Download

Snape is a torrent client that helps you search, stream, and download torrents.

...If the media format is ...streaming on VLC. Optionally, you...
