Quick for mac

Most people looking for Quick for mac downloaded:

Quik Download
3.2 on 89 votes

Quik lets you create beautiful videos with just a few taps. First, you need to select your favorite photos and video ...

Programs for query  ″quick for mac″

iExplorer Download
3.7 on 6 votes

iExplorer is an iPhone browser for Mac lets you view the files on your iOS device.

...browser for Mac lets ...between your Mac and ...and works quickly with a ...Phone to Mac, Phone...

iBoostUp Download
4.8 on 12 votes

Don't settle for a slow, sluggish Mac. With iBoostUp you can achieve maximum speed and performance in just a few clicks.

...slow, sluggish Mac. With iBoostUp ...protecting your Mac from ...more! Quick Clean Reclaim...

SPSS Download
3.5 on 56 votes

You’ll have all the basics covered with our complement of standard analytical capabilities.

...Analysts can quickly understand large ...tables – quickly slice and ...Windows, Mac, Linux

WinZip Mac Download
3.4 on 17 votes

File sharing app that makes it simple to manage, protect and share files across email and the cloud.

...Mac 3 integrates with the Mac OS X Quick ...apps for Mac, iPad and...

Dragon Burn Download
2.3 on 4 votes

Dragon Burn enables Mac desktop and PowerBook notebook computer users to quickly and easily begin producing audio ...

...enables Mac desktop and ...HFS (Mac OS) and ...HFS+ (Mac OS Extended ...users can quickly and easily...

MachineProfile Download
4.3 on 3 votes

MachineProfile collects key technical hardware information about your Mac that's not easily found elsewhere or by clicking through the tabs in "About this Mac…".

...About this Mac…". This app ...sharing your Mac's system information ...who want quick access to...

Sequel Pro Download
3.3 on 3 votes

Best Looking MySQL Cocoa App. Sequel Pro is a fast, easy-to-use Mac database management application for working with MySQL databases.

...to-use Mac database ...with a native Mac OS X ...3, 4 and 5 databases Quick Export/Backup...

Apple Configurator Download
3.5 on 11 votes

Apple Configurator makes it easy for anyone to mass configure and deploy iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch in a school, business, or institution.

...users. Quickly update 30 ...supervised devices Quickly reapply a ...between your Mac and Apple...

Voila: Powerful screen capture & screen recorder for Mac Download
3.5 on 2 votes

Voila is the most powerful screen capturing software for your Mac, that not just lets you capture or record content, but also share across seamlessly.

...for your Mac, that not ...Watch the quick overview video...

CrossOver Download
3.7 on 18 votes

CrossOver can get your Windows productivity applications and PC games up and running on your Mac quickly and easily.

...on your Mac quickly and easily ...need on Mac at home...