Xls to dbf converter

Most people looking for Xls to dbf converter downloaded:

Paradox Converter Download
4.1 on 7 votes

Paradox Converter allows you to convert Paradox files (DB files) to DBF, Excel (XLS, XLSX), CSV, SQL (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle), TXT, XML, RTF, XML, and HTML.

Programs for query ″xls to dbf converter″

XLS to DBF Converter Download
3.4 on 8 votes

XLS (Excel) to DBF Converter allows you to convert your XLS (Microsoft Excel) files to DBF format.

XLS (Excel) to DBF Converter allows you ...to convert your XLS...

DBF Converter Download
5.0 on 3 votes

DBF Converter can extract data from DBF files to CSV, XLS, XLSX, SQL, or plain text files.

DBF Converter can extract data from DBF ...files to CSV, XLS ...in DBF Converter is...

DBF to XLS Converter Download
5.0 on 1 vote

DBF to XLS (Excel) Converter allows you to convert your dbf files to XLS (Microsoft Excel) format.

DBF to XLS (Excel) Converter allows you ...to convert your dbf files to XLS...

Excel XLS and XLSX To DBF Converter Software Download
4.0 on 3 votes

This software offers a solution to users who want to convert one or more XLS files to DBF files.

...to convert one or more XLS ...files to DBF files ...field names. DBF files are...

DBF to XLS (Excel) Converter Download
3.3 on 70 votes

The DBF to XLS (Excel) program allows you to convert your dbf files to XLS (Microsoft Excel) format.

The DBF to XLS (Excel) program ...to convert your dbf files to XLS ...The DBF to XLS (Excel...

ABC Amber DBF Converter Download

ABC Amber DBF Converter is an advanced utility which converts your DBF files to any format you wish (CSV ...

ABC Amber DBF Converter is an ...wish (CSV, XLS, XML, PDF ...); - exports to XLS, CSV (comma...

ABC Amber Lotus 1-2-3 Converter Download
3.5 on 77 votes

ABC Amber Lotus 1-2-3 Converter is an advanced utility which helps you convert your WK1 (Lotus 1-2-3) files to any ...

...Amber Lotus 1-2-3 Converter is an ...you wish (XLS, DBF, CSV, XML ...you to convert a unlimited...

ABC Amber CSV Converter Download
1.5 on 2 votes

ABC Amber CSV Converter was developed to help you convert your CSV (comma-separated ...

...CSV Converter was developed ...you to convert a unlimited ...exports to XLS, DBF, XML, PDF...

Advanced CSV Converter Download
4.7 on 7 votes

Advanced CSV Converter allows you convert CSV files to DBF, Excel spreadsheet (XLS, XLSX), TXT, SQL, XML, Fixed Text, RTF, and other formats.

...you convert CSV files to DBF ...Excel spreadsheet (XLS, XLSX...

ABC Amber PDF Converter Download
4.5 on 4 votes

ABC Amber PDF Converter is a powerful tool which allows you to convert PDF to any document format (HTML ...

...Amber PDF Converter is a powerful ...you to convert PDF to ...DOC, DBF, XML, CSV, XLS, MDB...