Astra image 4.0

Most people looking for Astra image 4.0 downloaded:

Astra Image Download
4.2 on 13 votes

Astra Image is an advanced image processor that enables you to deblur, denoise and sharpen your images.

FIFA 16-DEMO Download
3.7 on 196 votes

FIFA from EA is the most popular soccer game for PCs and consoles.

Astro-Mania Download
5.0 on 10 votes

Astro-Mania teaches all the important facts about 38 astronomical objects, such as planets and stars.

Cam2Com Download
3.0 on 1 vote

Cam2Com is designed to be very user friendly and easy to use.

Programs for query  ″astra image 4.0″

Astra Image Pro Download
4.1 on 46 votes

Astra Image Pro is an image processing, sharpening, enhancement and analysis software.

Astra Image Pro is an image processing, sharpening ...analyse your images easily. It...

Astra Gift Maker Download
5.0 on 7 votes

Astra Gift Maker is a free tool for creating stand-alone jigsaw puzzles out of arbitrary images (family pictures, images downloaded from the Internet, etc.

Astra Gift Maker ...arbitrary images (family pictures, images downloaded...

Astro Photography Tool - APT Download
4.3 on 10 votes

This is an astro imaging application, which can use images captured from cameras.

...imaging application, which can use images...

5.0 on 3 votes

RegiStar is an image alignment, or registration, program that was designed to work specifically with astronomical images.

...with astronomical images. RegiStar ...this image to another image or ...that allows images at...

Astro Image Frame Maker Download
3.0 on 2 votes

This utility is designed to add borders and titles to photos.

...on any image file...

SalsaJ Download
3.3 on 7 votes

SalsaJ allows students to display, analyse, and explore real astronomical images and other data in the same way ...

...real astronomical images and other...

CCDStack Download
5.0 on 1 vote

Powerful, easy-to-use astronomical image processing software with next-generation technology.

...use astronomical image processing software...

K3CCDTools Download
5.0 on 1 vote

K3CCDTools is a Windows application dedicated for astro-imaging.

...for astro-imaging.It includes ...provides simple image post-processing...

Astrometrica Download
3.9 on 11 votes

Astrometrica is an interactive tool for scientific grade astrometric data reduction of CCD images ...

...features: - Automatic image calibration (Dark ...for closeup image inspection. ...

DSLR Shutter Download
2.0 on 1 vote

DSLR Shutter is designed to be a simple tool to capture long-exposure images from digital SLR cameras using their "bulb" setting.

...long-exposure images from each image (e.g., mirror ...each image (e.g. for writing image...