Chromas sequence viewer

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Chromas Download
3.7 on 36 votes

Chromas is an easy-to-use viewer and editor for chromatograms (traces) from automated Sanger sequencers.

Programs for query ″chromas sequence viewer″

Chromas Lite Download
3.2 on 31 votes

Chromas is ideal for the most basic of sequencing projects, where assembly of multiple sequences is not required.

Chromas is ...basic of sequencing projects ...of multiple sequences is ...copy the sequence to...

FinchTV Download
3.8 on 104 votes

With over 60,000 downloads to date, Geospiza’s FinchTV is the popular way to view DNA sequence traces on Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, and Solaris. view DNA sequence traces ...chromatogram viewer that ...reverse complement sequences and...

SeqVerter Download
3.0 on 1 vote

SeqVerter™ is a free sequence file format conversion utility by GeneStudio, Inc.

...sequence formatting functions, including a viewer ...for automatic DNA sequencer...

GATCViewer Download

GATC Viewer for raw data from ABI 3730 xl (Sanger sequencing).This program allows you to display chromatograms in .abi format.

GATC Viewer for ...Next Generation sequencing, bioinformatics ...and sequencing analysis...

Unipro UGENE Download
5.0 on 3 votes

UGENE is a free cross-platform genome analysis suite. It works perfectly on Windows, Mac OS or Linux and requires only a few clicks to install. sequence alignment using ...circular plasmid view; -Multiple alignment...

DNA Baser Download
5.0 on 2 votes

DNA Baser Sequence Assembler is easy to use software for DNA sequence assembly/alignment ...

...DNA sequence analysis, DNA Sequence manipulation ...- Edit and view chromatograms. - Cut...

ChromasPro Download
3.5 on 10 votes

ChromasPro is suitable for DNA sequence assembly projects up to a few megabases, and basic sequence editing and analysis.

...for DNA sequence assembly ...and basic sequence editing and sequencers, with...